Colors of Day and Night
Black on black,
White on white,
Colors fill the air,
Red and green and gray and blue,
Hues of every shade
Spring begins fresh and new,
Summer is lush and green,
Autumn, though bright, is falling
To winter, who both begins and ends,
A year of many colors
The Sun sets in orange and blue,
Then rises again in the same hue,
The moon shines white,
The sky holds black,
And night and day make true
But when the white becomes the black,
And red changes to blue,
Then Day turns Dark,
And Night turns Light,
And the world becomes askew
So keep the dark and light
In their rightful place,
And day will stay day,
And night will be night,
Forever in the world anew
A Thousand...
Though a picture's worth
A thousand words,
A million can't describe
What I paint for you
A hundred heartbeats,
A thousand seconds,
A million times over,
None is enough for me and you
A thousand marks
On the wall
Show all the ways
I've failed to get to you
But the last one goes unmarked
As it was the best of all,
For a thousand days or none with me,
That's the choice I give to you
Though a picture's worth
A thousand words,
A million can't describe
What I paint for you
Fire and Light
Fire and Light
Are one in the same
Each is the other's brother
Born of Lightning,
Flame and Heat,
Each is the other's equal
Then on one night,
The fire went cold,
And on that night,
Fire left Light,
All alone,
Without the warmth of day
The light wandered and wavered,
He was stretched so thin indeed,
Until one day,
Fire came back,
Though he was not
The same
The new fire was young and spiteful,
But Light was all too glad
To have his brother
Safely back,
But no more was he
His twin
Fire and light
Are one in the same
Each is the other's brother
Born of Lightning,
Flame and Heat,
Each is the other's equal