Elevar walked up to the beach examining the clear water. She could see fish and other animals that lived in the water play. She wondered what it would be like to live underwater but that would be for another day. She laid down her orange picnic blanket, her favorite one that had the design of the sun on it. She took her picnic basket and and placed it on top the blanket, then took out her food. Inside the basket there were all kinds of foods. There were sandwiches, fruit, snacks, and plenty of cold refreshing drinks in the cooler and placed them all on the blanket (except the drinks). She then took off her robes to reveal a sea green 2 piece. She loved the water even more than land sometimes which was weird for an elf and she sometimes got made fun for that as a child so she did not like people to know. She sat down on her blanket and admired the scenery.